Crate nostr_sdk

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High level Nostr client library.

§Nostr SDK - Downloads Documentation CI MIT


A high-level, Nostr client library written in Rust.

If you’re writing a typical Nostr client or bot, this is likely the crate you need.

However, the crate is designed in a modular way and depends on several other lower-level crates. If you’re attempting something more custom, you might be interested in these.

§Getting started

use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4};

use nostr_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Generate new random keys
    let keys = Keys::generate();

    // Or use your already existing (from hex or bech32)
    let keys = Keys::parse("hex-or-bech32-secret-key")?;

    // Show bech32 public key
    let bech32_pubkey: String = keys.public_key().to_bech32()?;
    println!("Bech32 PubKey: {}", bech32_pubkey);

    // Configure client to use proxy for `.onion` relays
    let addr = SocketAddr::V4(SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST, 9050));
    let connection: Connection = Connection::new()
        .proxy(addr) // Use `.embedded_tor()` instead to enable the embedded tor client (require `tor` feature)
    let opts = Options::new().connection(connection);

    // Create new client with custom options.
    // Use `Client::new(signer)` to construct the client with a custom signer and default options
    // or `Client::default()` to create one without signer and with default options.
    let client = Client::with_opts(keys.clone(), opts);

    // Add relays
    // Add read relay

    // Connect to relays

    let metadata = Metadata::new()
        .display_name("My Username")
        .custom_field("custom_field", "my value");

    // Update metadata

    // Publish a text note
    let builder = EventBuilder::text_note("My first text note from rust-nostr!");

    // Create a POW text note
    let builder = EventBuilder::text_note("POW text note from nostr-sdk").pow(20);
    client.send_event_builder(builder).await?; // Send to all relays
    // client.send_event_builder_to(["wss://"], builder).await?; // Send to specific relay


More examples can be found in the examples/ directory.


This crate supports the wasm32 targets.

An example can be found at nostr-sdk-wasm-example repo.

On macOS, you need to install llvm:

brew install llvm
LLVM_PATH=$(brew --prefix llvm)
AR="${LLVM_PATH}/bin/llvm-ar" CC="${LLVM_PATH}/bin/clang" cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

NOTE: Currently nip03 feature not support WASM.

§Crate Feature Flags

The following crate feature flags are available:

torNoEnable support for embedded tor client
lmdbNoEnable LMDB storage backend
ndbNoEnable nostrdb storage backend
indexeddbNoEnable Web’s IndexedDb storage backend
weblnNoEnable WebLN zapper
all-nipsNoEnable all NIPs
nip03NoEnable NIP-03: OpenTimestamps Attestations for Events
nip04NoEnable NIP-04: Encrypted Direct Message
nip05NoEnable NIP-05: Mapping Nostr keys to DNS-based internet identifiers
nip06NoEnable NIP-06: Basic key derivation from mnemonic seed phrase
nip07NoEnable NIP-07: window.nostr capability for web browsers (available only for wasm32!)
nip11NoEnable NIP-11: Relay Information Document
nip44NoEnable NIP-44: Encrypted Payloads (Versioned)
nip47NoEnable NIP-47: Nostr Wallet Connect
nip49NoEnable NIP-49: Private Key Encryption
nip57NoEnable NIP-57: Zaps
nip59NoEnable NIP-59: Gift Wrap

§Supported NIPs

Look at


This library is in an ALPHA state, things that are implemented generally work but the API will change in breaking ways.


rust-nostr is free and open-source. This means we do not earn any revenue by selling it. Instead, we rely on your financial support. If you actively use any of the rust-nostr libs/software/services, then please donate.


This project is distributed under the MIT software license - see the LICENSE file for details

