Function petgraph::algo::is_isomorphic_subgraph_matching[][src]

pub fn is_isomorphic_subgraph_matching<G0, G1, NM, EM>(
    g0: G0,
    g1: G1,
    node_match: NM,
    edge_match: EM
) -> bool where
    G0: NodeCompactIndexable + EdgeCount + DataMap + GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + IntoEdgesDirected,
    G1: NodeCompactIndexable + EdgeCount + DataMap + GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp<EdgeType = G0::EdgeType> + IntoEdgesDirected,
    NM: FnMut(&G0::NodeWeight, &G1::NodeWeight) -> bool,
    EM: FnMut(&G0::EdgeWeight, &G1::EdgeWeight) -> bool

[Generic] Return true if g0 is isomorphic to a subgraph of g1.

Using the VF2 algorithm, examining both syntactic and semantic graph isomorphism (graph structure and matching node and edge weights).

The graphs should not be multigraphs.