pub fn collect_separated_terminated<Input, ParseOutput, SepOutput, TermOutput, ParseErr, Collection>(
    parser: impl Parser<Input, ParseOutput, ParseErr>,
    separator: impl Parser<Input, SepOutput, ParseErr>,
    terminator: impl Parser<Input, TermOutput, ParseErr>
) -> impl Parser<Input, Collection, ParseErr> where
    Input: Clone + InputLength,
    ParseErr: ParseError<Input>,
    Collection: Default + Extend<ParseOutput>, 
Expand description

Parse a series of 1 or more things, separated by separator, terminated by terminator, and collect them into a collection using Extend.

When this parser is run, it will create a new, empty collection with Default. It will then collect each parsed item into the collection with Extend. See the module docs for details of how this parser parses a sequence.

See the module docs for a detailed description of how this parser parses a sequence.


use nom_supreme::{
use nom::character::complete::{digit1, char, space0};
use nom::{IResult, Parser, error::ParseError};

fn parse_number(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, i32, ErrorTree<&str>> {

// A vector is a square brackets, containing comma separated numbers, with
// whitespace in between
let mut vec_parser = collect_separated_terminated(
    // Parse numbers

    // separated by commas

    // terminated by a close bracket
// Allow for empty vectors

let result: IResult<&str, Vec<i32>, ErrorTree<&str>> = vec_parser.parse("[1, 2, -3, 4]");
let vec = result.unwrap().1;
assert_eq!(vec, [1, 2, -3, 4]);