Module nom_supreme::parser_ext[][src]

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Extensions to the nom Parser trait which add postfix versions of the common combinators. See ParserExt for details.


Parser which returns an error if the subparser didn’t consume the whole input.

Parser which parses an array by running a subparser in a loop a fixed number of times.

Parser which returns an error if the subparser returned Incomplete.

Parser which attaches additional context to any errors returned by the subparser.

Parser which returns a Failure if the subparser returned an error. This prevents other branches from being tried.

Parser which gets and discards a delimiting value both before and after the main subparser. Returns the output from the main subparser if all were successful.

Parser which parses something via FromStr, using a subparser as a recognizer for the string to pass to from_str. Returns Err::Failure if the FromStr parse fails.

Parser which parses something via FromStr, using a subparser as a recognizer for the string to pass to from_str.

Parser which runs a fallible mapping function on the output of the subparser. Any errors returned by the mapping function are transformed into a parse error.

Parser which runs a fallible mapping function on the output of the subparser. Any errors returned by the mapping function are transformed into a parse failure.

Parser which returns failure if the subparser succeeds, and succeeds if the subparser fails.

Parser which wraps the subparser output in an Option, and returns a successful None output if it fails.

Parser which runs a subparser but doesn’t consume any input

Parser which gets and discards an output from a prefix subparser before running the main subparser. Returns the output from the main subparser if both were successful.

Parser which, when successful, discards the output of the subparser and instead returns the consumed input.

Parser wrapping a mutable reference to a subparser.

Parser which parses an array by running a subparser in a loop a fixed number of times, parsing a separator between each item.

Parser which gets and discards an output from a second subparser, returning the output from the original parser if both were successful.

Parser which, when successful, discards the output of the subparser and instead returns a clone of a value.

Parser which checks the output of its subparser against a verifier function.

Parser which, when successful, returns the result of the inner parser and also the consumed input


Additional postfix parser combinators, as a complement to Parser. Mostly these are postfix versions of the combinators in nom::combinator and nom::sequence, with some additional combinators original to nom-supreme.