[][src]Module nom_pdb::primary_structure::seqres

SEQRES records contain a listing of the consecutive chemical components covalently linked in a linear fashion to form a polymer. The chemical components included in this listing may be standard or modified amino acid and nucleic acid residues. It may also include other residues that are linked to the standard backbone in the polymer. Chemical components or groups covalently linked to side-chains (in peptides) or sugars and/or bases (in nucleic acid polymers) will not be listed here.

Record Format

1 - 6Record name"SEQRES"
8 - 10IntegerserNumSerial number of the SEQRES record for the current chain. Starts at 1 and increments by one each line. Reset to 1 for each chain.
12CharacterchainIDChain identifier. This may be any single legal character, including a blank which is used if there is only one chain.
14 - 17IntegernumResNumber of residues in the chain. This value is repeated on every record.
20 - 22Residue nameresNameResidue name.
24 - 26Residue nameresNameResidue name.
28 - 30Residue nameresNameResidue name.
32 - 34Residue nameresNameResidue name.
36 - 38Residue nameresNameResidue name.
40 - 42Residue nameresNameResidue name.
44 - 46Residue nameresNameResidue name.
48 - 50Residue nameresNameResidue name.
52 - 54Residue nameresNameResidue name.
56 - 58Residue nameresNameResidue name.
60 - 62Residue nameresNameResidue name.
64 - 66Residue nameresNameResidue name.
68 - 70Residue nameresNameResidue name.



