Module nolock::thread_data[][src]

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Thread-Local Lock-Free Storage

This module provides a Datastructure for Thread-Local Storage that is also lock-free and is therefore useable in other lock-free Datastructures.


// Create the ThreadData Instance which can be shared between multiple
// Threads using the Arc
let local_data: Arc<ThreadData<usize>> = Arc::new(ThreadData::new());

// Spawn 4 Threads and collect their Handles in a Vec
let handles: Vec<_> = (0..4)
    .map(|id| {
        let c_data = local_data.clone();
        std::thread::spawn(move || {
            // Attempt to load the Data for the current Thread, which
            // should not exist, and create the Data for it as the given id
            let loaded = c_data.get_or(|| {
            // Return the loaded Data

// Iterate over all the Threads and check that they all returned their ID
for (index, handle) in handles.into_iter().enumerate() {
    let returned_val = handle.join().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(index, returned_val);


Contains a variety of backing Storage implementations for the Thread-Data Datastructure


A Storage-Container for Thread Local Data


The General Interface used by the ThreadDataStorage to interface with any sort of Datastructure used to actually store the Data for each individuel Thread.

Type Definitions

The Default ThreadData Storage with the Trie backend. This should be the right fit for basically all Use-Cases as it is the fastest Storage-Backend while also having low memory overhead