Function nois::ints_in_range

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pub fn ints_in_range<T>(
    randomness: [u8; 32],
    count: usize,
    begin: T,
    end: T
) -> Vec<T>where
    T: SampleUniform + Int,
Expand description

Derives random integers in the range [begin, end], i.e. including both bounds. Use this method to avoid a modulo bias. The resulting vector will contain exactly count elements.

Using this is potentially more efficient than multiple calls of int_in_range.


A round of Yahtzee with five dices:

use nois::ints_in_range;

let dices = ints_in_range(randomness, 5, 1, 6);
assert_eq!(dices.len(), 5);
assert!(dices[0] >= 1 && dices[0] <= 6);
assert!(dices[1] >= 1 && dices[1] <= 6);
assert!(dices[2] >= 1 && dices[2] <= 6);
assert!(dices[3] >= 1 && dices[3] <= 6);
assert!(dices[4] >= 1 && dices[4] <= 6);