log! macro
log!(“starting”,“server”); //prints “starting” and “server” in different colors automatically
can handle any number of arguments and any type that implements Display.
automatically colors the arguments in different colors based on number of arguments and words in the arguments
eg. log!(“starting”,“server”) will print “starting” in yellow and “server” in white since starting is an ongoing action and server is a noun
log!(“started”,“server”) will print “started” in green and “server” in white since started is a completed action and server is a noun
log!(“starting”,“server”,“on”,“port”,“8080”) will print “starting” in yellow, “server” in white, “on” in gray, “port” in white and “8080” in cyan
paragraph! macro
same like showln! but automatically chops the text and
wraps it in a paragraph. the width of the paragraph
is 65 characters by default. when the text is longer than
65 characters, it is wrapped in a paragraph
render! macro
same like showln! but automatically chops the text and
wraps it in a paragraph. the width of the paragraph
is 65 characters by default. when the text is longer than
65 characters, it is wrapped in a paragraph
! # noui
! terminal ui library combining alot of things from here and there
! and making it slightly easier to play with
! below are the key functionalities provided by this library
show selection picker
ask for selection
interactively ask for a selection from a list of options
user can type in a number or press up/down arrows to select and press enter to confirm
user can also type in a term to filter options by that term
press esc to break out of the loop