Function nmea::sentences::parse_zda

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pub fn parse_zda(sentence: NmeaSentence<'_>) -> Result<ZdaData, Error<'_>>
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Parse ZDA message

From gpsd/driver_nmea0183.c

  1. UTC time (hours, minutes, seconds, may have fractional subsecond)
  2. Day, 01 to 31
  3. Month, 01 to 12
  4. Year (4 digits)
  5. Local zone description, 00 to +- 13 hours
  6. Local zone minutes description, apply same sign as local hours
  7. Checksum

Note: some devices, like the u-blox ANTARIS 4h, are known to ship ZDAs with some fields blank under poorly-understood circumstances (probably when they don’t have satellite lock yet).