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Lightweight library for removing hebrew diacritics (“Niqqud”, Hebrew: נִקּוּד) from a string.

reference: https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0590.pdf


let diacrited_quoted = "״שָׁלוֹם עוֹלָם״";

// Remove only the diacritics (keep '״' chars)
let quoted = niqqud::remove(diacrited_quoted);
assert_eq!("״שלום עולם״", quoted);

// Remove diacritics and hebrew quotes (double '״' and single '׳')
let unquoted = niqqud::remove_thorough(diacrited_quoted);
assert_eq!("שלום עולם", unquoted);


Removes hebrew diacritics from a string.

Removes hebrew diacritics from a string, while also removing hebrew quotes (‘״’, ‘׳’).