Module neocities_cli::client

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Handles user interface, processes input, sends and receives data from the api module


  • Contains a command and its params
  • Wraps an implementation of the Executable trait
  • Contains configuration details for a running instance of the Neocities application
  • Implements the Executable trait and deletes file(s) from a Neocities user’s website
  • Implements the Executable trait and outputs help information about this application
  • Implements the Executable trait and outputs information about a specified Neocities website
  • Implements the Executable trait and retrieves a Neocities API key for a registered user
  • Implements the Executable trait and lists files that have been uploaded to a Neocities user’s website
  • Runs the Neocities application, based on a configuration argument.
  • Implements the Executable trait and uploads file(s) to a Neocities user’s website
  • Implements the Executable trait and outputs the version of this neocities_cli application