Expand description
Neo4j driver compatible with neo4j 4.x versions
- An implementation of the bolt protocol to interact with Neo4j server
- async/await apis using tokio
- Supports bolt 4.2 specification
- tested with Neo4j versions: 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
let id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
.run(query("CREATE (p:Person {id: $id})").param("id", id.clone()))
let mut handles = Vec::new();
let count = std::sync::Arc::new(std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32::new(0));
for _ in 1..=42 {
let graph = graph.clone();
let id = id.clone();
let count = count.clone();
let handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut result = graph
.execute(query("MATCH (p:Person {id: $id}) RETURN p").param("id", id))
while let Ok(Some(_row)) = result.next().await {
count.fetch_add(1, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
assert_eq!(count.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed), 42);
Use the config builder to override the default configurations like
- number of rows to fetch in batches (default is 200)max_connections
- maximum size of the connection pool (default is 16)db
- the database to connect to (default isneo4j
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let config = ConfigBuilder::default()
let graph = Graph::connect(config).await.unwrap();
let mut result = graph.execute(query("RETURN 1")).await.unwrap();
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let value: i64 = row.get("1").unwrap();
assert_eq!(1, value);
A simple example to create a node and consume the created node from the row stream.
just returnserrors::Result
, usually used for write only queries.Graph::execute
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
assert!(graph.run(query("RETURN 1")).await.is_ok());
let mut result = graph
query("CREATE (friend:Person {name: $name}) RETURN friend").param("name", "Mr Mark"),
struct Person {
labels: Labels,
keys: Keys<Vec<String>>,
name: String,
while let Ok(Some(row)) = result.next().await {
// use serde to extract the relationship data
let friend: Person = row.get("friend").unwrap();
assert_eq!(friend.name, "Mr Mark");
assert_eq!(friend.labels.0, vec!["Person"]);
assert_eq!(friend.keys.0, vec!["name"]);
// or use the neo4rs::Relation type
let node: Node = row.get("friend").unwrap();
assert_eq!(node.get::<String>("name").unwrap(), "Mr Mark");
assert_eq!(node.labels(), vec!["Person"]);
assert_eq!(node.keys(), vec!["name"]);
assert!(node.id() >= 0);
Start a new transaction using Graph::start_txn
, which will return a handle Txn
that can
be used to Txn::commit
or Txn::rollback
the transaction.
Note that the handle takes a connection from the connection pool, which will be released once the Txn is dropped
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
let mut txn = graph.start_txn().await.unwrap();
let id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
let result = txn
query("CREATE (p:Person {id: $id})").param("id", id.clone()),
query("CREATE (p:Person {id: $id})").param("id", id.clone()),
let mut result = graph
.execute(query("MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.id = $id RETURN p.id").param("id", id.clone()))
§Streams within a transaction
Each RowStream
returned by various execute functions within the same
transaction are well isolated, so you can consume the stream anytime
within the transaction using RowStream::next
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let config = ConfigBuilder::default()
let graph = Graph::connect(config).await.unwrap();
let name = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
let mut txn = graph.start_txn().await.unwrap();
struct Person {
name: String,
query("CREATE (p { name: $name })").param("name", name.clone()),
query("CREATE (p { name: $name })").param("name", name.clone()),
//start stream_one
let mut stream_one = txn
.execute(query("MATCH (p {name: $name}) RETURN p").param("name", name.clone()))
let row = stream_one.next(txn.handle()).await.unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(row.to::<Person>().unwrap().name, name);
//start stream_two
let mut stream_two = txn.execute(query("RETURN 1")).await.unwrap();
let row = stream_two.next(txn.handle()).await.unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(row.to::<i64>().unwrap(), 1);
//stream_one is still active here
let row = stream_one.next(txn.handle()).await.unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(row.to::<Person>().unwrap().name, name);
//stream_one completes
//stream_two completes
§Streams are evaluated lazily
The RowStream
returned by various execute
functions need to be
consumed with RowStream::next
in order to actually execute the
The various run
functions on the other hand are always executed
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
let before = graph
.execute(query("MATCH (n:MyNode) RETURN COUNT(n) AS n"))
// use `run` for fire-and-forget queries, that are being executed on the server
.run(query("CREATE (n:MyNode {p: 'prop'})"))
// using `execute` without consuming the result will do nothing
// This will trigger a `unused_must_use` warning
.execute(query("CREATE (n:MyNode {p: 'prop'})"))
// consuming the result stream of`execute` will run the query on the server
.execute(query("CREATE (n:MyNode {p: 'prop'})"))
let after = graph
.execute(query("MATCH (n:MyNode) RETURN COUNT(n) AS n"))
assert_eq!(after, before + 2);
§Rollback a transaction
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
let mut txn = graph.start_txn().await.unwrap();
let id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
// create a node
txn.run(query("CREATE (p:Person {id: $id})").param("id", id.clone()))
// rollback the changes
// changes not updated in the database
let mut result = graph
.execute(query("MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.id = $id RETURN p.id").param("id", id.clone()))
§Txn vs Graph
Everytime you execute a query using Graph::run
or Graph::execute
, a new connection is
taken from the pool and released immediately.
However, when you execute a query on a transaction using Txn::run
or Txn::execute
same connection will be reused, the underlying connection will be released to the pool in a
clean state only after you commit/rollback the transaction and the Txn
handle is dropped.
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
let mut txn = graph.start_txn().await.unwrap();
let id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
txn.run(query("CREATE (p:Person {id: $id})").param("id", id.clone()))
txn.run(query("CREATE (p:Person {id: $id})").param("id", id.clone()))
// graph.execute(..) will not see the changes done above as the txn is not committed yet
let mut result = graph
.execute(query("MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.id = $id RETURN p.id").param("id", id.clone()))
//changes are now seen as the transaction is committed.
let mut result = graph
.execute(query("MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.id = $id RETURN p.id").param("id", id.clone()))
Bounded Relationship between nodes are created using cypher queries and the same can be parsed
from the RowStream
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
let mut result = graph.execute(
query("CREATE (p:Person { name: 'Oliver Stone' })-[r:WORKS_AT {as: 'Engineer'}]->(neo) RETURN r")
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let relation: Relation = row.get("r").unwrap();
assert!(relation.id() > -1);
assert!(relation.start_node_id() > -1);
assert!(relation.end_node_id() > -1);
assert_eq!(relation.typ(), "WORKS_AT");
assert_eq!(relation.keys(), vec!["as"]);
assert_eq!(relation.get::<String>("as").unwrap(), "Engineer");
Similar to bounded relation, an unbounded relation can also be created/parsed.
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
let mut result = graph.execute(
query("MERGE (p1:Person { name: 'Oliver Stone' })-[r:RELATED {as: 'friend'}]-(p2: Person {name: 'Mark'}) RETURN r")
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
struct Related {
id: Id,
start_node_id: StartNodeId,
end_node_id: EndNodeId,
typ: Type,
keys: Keys<Vec<String>>,
#[serde(rename = "as")]
related_as: String,
// use serde to extract the relationship data
let relation: Related = row.get("r").unwrap();
// The following checks are always true, but are included here
// to demonstrate the types of the fields.
#[allow(clippy::absurd_extreme_comparisons, unused_comparisons)]
assert!(relation.id.0 >= 0);
assert!(relation.start_node_id.0 >= 0);
assert!(relation.end_node_id.0 >= 0);
assert_eq!(relation.typ.0, "RELATED");
assert_eq!(relation.keys.0, vec!["as"]);
assert_eq!(relation.related_as, "friend");
// or use the neo4rs::Relation type
let relation: Relation = row.get("r").unwrap();
assert!(relation.id() > -1);
assert!(relation.start_node_id() > -1);
assert!(relation.end_node_id() > -1);
assert_eq!(relation.typ(), "RELATED");
assert_eq!(relation.keys(), vec!["as"]);
assert_eq!(relation.get::<String>("as").unwrap(), "friend");
A 2d or 3d point can be represented with the types Point2D
and Point3D
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
let qry = "
WITH point({ x: 2.3, y: 4.5, crs: 'cartesian' }) AS p1,
point({ x: 1.1, y: 5.4, crs: 'cartesian' }) AS p2
RETURN point.distance(p1,p2) AS dist, p1, p2
let mut result = graph.execute(query(qry)).await.unwrap();
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let dist: f64 = row.get("dist").unwrap();
let p1: Point2D = row.get("p1").unwrap();
let p2: Point2D = row.get("p2").unwrap();
assert_eq!(1.5, dist);
assert_eq!(p1.sr_id(), 7203);
assert_eq!(p1.x(), 2.3);
assert_eq!(p1.y(), 4.5);
assert_eq!(p2.sr_id(), 7203);
assert_eq!(p2.x(), 1.1);
assert_eq!(p2.y(), 5.4);
let mut result = graph
"RETURN point({ longitude: 56.7, latitude: 12.78, height: 8 }) AS point",
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let point: Point3D = row.get("point").unwrap();
assert_eq!(point.sr_id(), 4979);
assert_eq!(point.x(), 56.7);
assert_eq!(point.y(), 12.78);
assert_eq!(point.z(), 8.0);
§Raw bytes
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
let bytes = b"Hello, Neo4j!";
let mut result = graph
.execute(query("RETURN $b as output").param("b", bytes.as_ref()))
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let b: Vec<u8> = row.get("output").unwrap();
assert_eq!(b, bytes);
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
let duration = std::time::Duration::new(5259600, 7);
let mut result = graph
.execute(query("RETURN $d as output").param("d", duration))
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let d: std::time::Duration = row.get("output").unwrap();
assert_eq!(d.as_secs(), 5259600);
assert_eq!(d.subsec_nanos(), 7);
See NaiveDate for date abstraction, it captures the date without time component.
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
let date = chrono::NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(1985, 2, 5).unwrap();
let mut result = graph
.execute(query("RETURN $d as output").param("d", date))
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let d: chrono::NaiveDate = row.get("output").unwrap();
assert_eq!(d.to_string(), "1985-02-05");
- NaiveTime captures only the time of the day
<FixedOffset>) captures the time of the day along with the offset
§Time as param
Pass a time as a parameter to the query:
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
//send time without offset as param
let time = chrono::NaiveTime::from_hms_nano_opt(11, 15, 30, 200).unwrap();
let mut result = graph
.execute(query("RETURN $d as output").param("d", time))
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let t: (chrono::NaiveTime, Option<Offset>) = row.get("output").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t.0.to_string(), "11:15:30.000000200");
assert_eq!(t.1, None);
//send time with offset as param
let time = chrono::NaiveTime::from_hms_nano_opt(11, 15, 30, 200).unwrap();
let offset = chrono::FixedOffset::east_opt(3 * 3600).unwrap();
let mut result = graph
.execute(query("RETURN $d as output").param("d", (time, offset)))
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let t: (chrono::NaiveTime, Option<Offset>) = row.get("output").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t.0.to_string(), "11:15:30.000000200");
assert_eq!(t.1, Some(Offset(offset)));
§Parsing time from result
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
//Parse time without offset
let mut result = graph
" WITH time({hour:10, minute:15, second:30, nanosecond: 200}) AS t RETURN t",
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let t: (chrono::NaiveTime, Option<Offset>) = row.get("t").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t.0.to_string(), "10:15:30.000000200");
assert_eq!(t.1, None);
//Parse time with timezone information
let mut result = graph
" WITH time({hour:10, minute:15, second:33, nanosecond: 200, timezone: '+01:00'}) AS t RETURN t",
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let t: (chrono::NaiveTime, Option<Offset>) = row.get("t").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t.0.to_string(), "10:15:33.000000200");
assert_eq!(t.1, Some(Offset(chrono::FixedOffset::east_opt(3600).unwrap())));
- DateTime captures the date and time with offset
- NaiveDateTime captures the date time without offset
(NaiveDateTime, String) captures the date/time and the time zone id
§DateTime as param
Pass a DateTime as parameter to the query:
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
//send datetime as parameter in the query
let datetime = chrono::DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822("Tue, 01 Jul 2003 10:52:37 +0200").unwrap();
let mut result = graph
.execute(query("RETURN $d as output").param("d", datetime))
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let t: chrono::DateTime<chrono::FixedOffset> = row.get("output").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t.to_string(), "2003-07-01 10:52:37 +02:00");
//send NaiveDateTime as parameter in the query
let localdatetime =
chrono::NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str("2015-07-01 08:55:59.123", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.f")
let mut result = graph
.execute(query("RETURN $d as output").param("d", localdatetime))
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let t: chrono::NaiveDateTime = row.get("output").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t.to_string(), "2015-07-01 08:55:59.123");
//send NaiveDateTime with timezone id as parameter in the query
let datetime =
chrono::NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str("2015-07-03 08:55:59.555", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.f")
let timezone = "Europe/Paris";
let mut result = graph
.execute(query("RETURN $d as output").param("d", (datetime, timezone)))
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let (time, zone): (chrono::NaiveDateTime, String) = row.get("output").unwrap();
assert_eq!(time.to_string(), "2015-07-03 08:55:59.555");
assert_eq!(zone, "Europe/Paris");
§Parsing DateTime from result
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
//Parse NaiveDateTime from result
let mut result = graph
"WITH localdatetime('2015-06-24T12:50:35.556') AS t RETURN t",
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let t: chrono::NaiveDateTime = row.get("t").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t.to_string(), "2015-06-24 12:50:35.556");
//Parse DateTime from result
let mut result = graph
"WITH datetime('2015-06-24T12:50:35.777+0100') AS t RETURN t",
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let t: chrono::DateTime<chrono::FixedOffset> = row.get("t").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t.to_string(), "2015-06-24 12:50:35.777 +01:00");
//Parse NaiveDateTime with zone id from result
let mut result = graph
"WITH datetime({ year:1984, month:11, day:11, hour:12, minute:31, second:14, nanosecond: 645876123, timezone:'Europe/Stockholm' }) AS d return d",
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let (datetime, zone_id): (chrono::NaiveDateTime, String) = row.get("d").unwrap();
assert_eq!(datetime.to_string(), "1984-11-11 12:31:14.645876123");
assert_eq!(zone_id, "Europe/Stockholm");
use neo4rs::*;
async fn main() {
let uri = "";
let user = "neo4j";
let pass = "neo";
let graph = Graph::new(uri, user, pass).await.unwrap();
let name = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
query("CREATE (p:Person { name: $name })-[r:WORKS_AT]->(n:Company { name: 'Neo'})")
.param("name", name.clone()),
let mut result = graph
query("MATCH p = (person:Person { name: $name })-[r:WORKS_AT]->(c:Company) RETURN p")
.param("name", name),
let row = result.next().await.unwrap().unwrap();
let path: Path = row.get("p").unwrap();
assert_eq!(path.indices().len(), 2);
assert_eq!(path.nodes().len(), 2);
assert_eq!(path.rels().len(), 1);
- The configuration used to connect to the database, see
. - A builder to override default configurations and build the
. - Newtype for the name of the database. Stores the name as an
to avoid cloning the name around. - Newtype to extract the end node id of a relationship during deserialization.
- A neo4j database abstraction. This type can be cloned and shared across threads, internal resources are reference-counted.
- Newtype to extract the node id or relationship id during deserialization.
- Newtype to extract the indices of a path during deserialization.
- Newtype to extract the node property keys during deserialization.
- Newtype to extract the node labels during deserialization.
- Snapshot of a node within a graph database
- Newtype to extract the nodes of a path during deserialization.
- Newtype to extract the offset info of times during deserialization.
- Alternating sequence of nodes and relationships
- Represents a single location in 2-dimensional space
- Represents a single location in 3-dimensional space
- Abstracts a cypher query that is sent to neo4j server.
- Snapshot of a relationship within a graph database
- Newtype to extract the relationships of a path during deserialization.
- Represents a row returned as a result of executing a query.
- An abstraction over a stream of rows, this is returned as a result of
. - Newtype to extract the start node id of a relationship during deserialization.
- Newtype to extract the timezone info of datetimes during deserialization.
- A handle which is used to control a transaction, created as a result of
- Newtype to extract the relationship type during deserialization.
- Relationship detail without start or end node information
- Returns a
which provides methods likeQuery::param
to add parameters to the query