[][src]Macro neli::impl_var

macro_rules! impl_var {
    ( $( #[$outer:meta] )*
      $name:ident, $ty:ty, $var_def:ident => $val_def:expr,
      $( $var:ident => $val:expr ),* ) => { ... };
    ( $name:ident, $ty:ty, $var_def:ident => $val_def:expr,
      $( $var:ident => $val:expr ),* ) => { ... };

For naming a new enum, passing in what type it serializes to and deserializes from, and providing a mapping from variants to expressions (such as libc consts) that will ultimately be used in the serialization/deserialization step when sending the netlink message over the wire.


Create an enum named "MyNetlinkProtoAttrs" that can be serialized into u16s to use with Netlink. Possibly represents the fields on a message you received from Netlink.

This example is not tested
impl_var!(MyNetlinkProtoAttrs, u16,
   Id => 16 as u16,
   Name => 17 as u16,
   Size => 18 as u16

Or, with doc comments (if you're developing a library)

This example is not tested
    /// These are the attributes returned
    /// by a fake netlink protocol.
    ( MyNetlinkProtoAttrs, u16,
    Id => 16 as u16,
    Name => 17 as u16,
    Size => 18 as u16 )