
NEAR Account Identifier.


When there is a callback attached to one or more contract calls the execution results of these calls are available to the contract invoked through the callback.

Type Definitions

Balance is type for storing amounts of tokens.

Height of the block.

Block height delta that measures the difference between BlockHeights.

Height of the epoch.

Gas is a type for storing amount of gas.

Hash used by a struct implementing the Merkle tree.

Nonce for transactions.

Number of blocks in current group.

Number of seats of validators (block producer or hidden ones) in current group (settlement).

Number of shards in current group.

Shard index, from 0 to NUM_SHARDS - 1.

StorageUsage is used to count the amount of storage used by a contract.

StorageUsageChange is used to count the storage usage within a single contract call.

Validator identifier in current group.

Mask which validators participated in multi sign.