
  • ActionReceipt is derived from an Action from Transaction or from Receipt
  • An incoming (ingress) DataReceipt which is going to a Receipt’s receiver input_data_ids Which will be converted to PromiseResult::Successful(value) or PromiseResult::Failed
  • The outgoing (egress) data which will be transformed to a DataReceipt to be sent to a receipt.receiver
  • Stores indices for a persistent queue for delayed receipts that didn’t fit into a block.
  • Receipts are used for a cross-shard communication. Receipts could be 2 types (determined by a ReceiptEnum): ReceiptEnum::Action of ReceiptEnum::Data.
  • A temporary data which is created by processing of DataReceipt stored in a state trie with a key = account_id + data_id until input_data_ids of all incoming Receipts are satisfied None means data retrieval was failed


  • Receipt could be either ActionReceipt or DataReceipt

Type Definitions