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Role-Based Access Control pattern implements methods to manage roles for accounts and control their access.

RBAC expects the user to provide a type for Rbac::Role. Typically, this is an enum and its variants are the distinct roles. An account can be associated with multiple roles. Rbac implements methods to add, remove, and check an account for a role. It also provides “guard” methods to require or prohibit a particular role. Typically, these are used to guard access to external functions exposed by the contract.

This derive macro derives a default implementation for RBAC. For a complete example check out counter_multisig.rs in workspace-tests directory.


The default implementation assumes or enforces the following invariants. Violating assumed invariants may corrupt contract state and show unexpected behavior (UB). “guard” methods enforce invariants and throw an error (ERR) when accessed by unauthorized accounts.

  • (UB) The rbac root storage slot is not used or modified. The default key is ~r.
  • (ERR) Rbac::require_role may only be called when the predecessor account has the specified role.
  • (ERR) Rbac::prohibit_role may only be called when the predecessor account does not have the specified role.


An iterator for AccountIds.


Role-based access control