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Queue and approve actions


Approval action type for native NEAR transaction actions (create account, delete account, add key, delete key, deploy contract, function call, stake, transfer)
Simple multi-signature wallet component. Generic over approvable actions. Use with NativeTransactionAction for multisig over native transactions.


An action request is composed of an action that will be executed when the associated approval state is satisfied
The account is ineligile to perform an action for some reason


Top-level errors that may occur when attempting to approve a request
Errors that may occur when trying to create a request
Errors that may occur when trying to execute a request
Errors that may occur when trying to remove a request


Error message emitted when the init function is called multiple times
Error message emitted when the component is used before it is initialized


Actions can be executed after they are approved
Defines the operating parameters for an ApprovalManager and performs approvals
Collection of action requests that manages their approval state and execution