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The core non-fungible token standard. This can be though of as the base standard, with the others being extension standards.


Implementation of the non-fungible token standard. Allows to include NEP-171 compatible token to any contract. There are next traits that any contract may implement: - NonFungibleTokenCore – interface with nft_transfer methods. NonFungibleToken provides methods for it. - NonFungibleTokenApproval – interface with nft_approve methods. NonFungibleToken provides methods for it. - NonFungibleTokenEnumeration – interface for getting lists of tokens. NonFungibleToken provides methods for it. - NonFungibleTokenMetadata – return metadata for the token in NEP-177, up to contract to implement.



Used for all non-fungible tokens. The specification for the core non-fungible token standard lays out the reasoning for each method. It’s important to check out NonFungibleTokenReceiver and NonFungibleTokenResolver to understand how the cross-contract call work.