Crate near_accounts

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The near-accounts crate provides a high-level abstraction for managing accounts on the NEAR blockchain. It simplifies the process of creating new accounts, managing access keys, deploying contracts, and executing transactions.

Built on top of the near-transactions and near-providers crate, near-accounts utilizes the TransactionBuilder to construct and sign transactions in a flexible and error-resistant manner. This crate abstracts away the complexities involved in directly interacting with NEAR transactions and provides a more accessible interface for Rust developers to build NEAR blockchain applications.

Key functionalities include:

  • Account creation and deletion
  • Access key management (adding and deleting keys)
  • Smart contract deployment and function calls
  • NEAR token transfers
  • Querying account information and contract state

near-accounts integrates with the near-providers crate to interact with the NEAR blockchain, offering both synchronous and asynchronous methods to perform blockchain operations.

§Example - state

use near_providers::JsonRpcProvider;
use std::sync::Arc;
use near_accounts::accounts::state;

let provider = Arc::new(JsonRpcProvider::new(""));
let account_id = "example_account.testnet".parse()?;

let result = state(provider, account_id).await?;
println!("Account state: {:?}", result);

§Example - function_call

use near_accounts::Account;
use near_crypto::InMemorySigner;
use near_primitives::types::Gas;
use near_providers::JsonRpcProvider;
use std::sync::Arc;
use near_primitives::types::AccountId;
use serde_json::json;
    let signer_account_id: AccountId = ("your_account_id")?.parse()?;
    let signer_secret_key = utils::input("your_private_key")?.parse()?;
    let contract_id: AccountId = "contract.near-api-rs.testnet".parse::<AccountId>()?;
    let signer = InMemorySigner::from_secret_key(signer_account_id.clone(), signer_secret_key);
    // Amount to transfer to the new account
    let gas: Gas = 100_000_000_000_000; // Example amount in yoctoNEAR
    let provider = Arc::new(JsonRpcProvider::new(""));
    let signer = Arc::new(signer);
    let account = Account::new(signer_account_id, signer, provider);
    let method_name = "set_status".to_string();
    let args_json = json!({"message": "working1"});
    let result = account
        .function_call(contract_id, method_name, args_json, gas, 0)
    println!("response: {:#?}", result);



  • The accounts module provides functionalities for managing NEAR blockchain accounts, allowing for operations such as account creation, access key management, contract deployment, making change and view function calls, and transaction execution. It abstracts the complexities of transaction construction and signing, making it easier to perform account-related operations.