var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["ncollide_transformation"] = {"doc":"Transformation, simplification and decomposition of meshes.","items":[[5,"hacd","ncollide_transformation","Approximate convex decomposition of a triangle mesh.",null,null],[5,"convex_hull3","","Computes the convex hull of a set of 3d points.",null,null],[5,"convex_hull2","","Computes the convex hull of a set of 2d points.",null,null],[5,"convex_hull2_idx","","Computes the convex hull of a set of 2d points and returns only the indices of the hull\nvertices.",null,null],[5,"triangulate","","Triangulates a set of point (sort of) lying on the same 2d plane.",null,null],[8,"ToTriMesh","","Trait implemented by shapes that can be approximated by a triangle mesh.",null,null],[10,"to_trimesh","","Builds a triangle mesh from this shape.",0,null],[8,"ToPolyline","","Trait implemented by shapes that can be approximated by a triangle mesh.",null,null],[10,"to_polyline","","Builds a triangle mesh from this shape.",1,null]],"paths":[[8,"ToTriMesh"],[8,"ToPolyline"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);