Expand description

Bounding volumes.


An Axis Aligned Bounding Box.

A Bounding Sphere.

The combination of an AABB with a circular cone to bound both the space occupied by an geometry and its normals.


A cone with a circular basis and its apex at the origin.


Trait of bounding volumes.

Traits of objects having a bounding volume.


Computes the axis-aligned bounding box of a shape g transformed by m.

Computes the Axis-Aligned Bounding Box of a ball transformed by center.

Computes the bounding sphere of a shape g transformed by m.

Computes the axis-aligned bounding box of a shape g.

Computes the bounding sphere of a shape g.

Computes the AABB of a set of points.

Computes the AABB of an support mapped shape.

Computes the AABB of a set of points transformed by m.

Computes a bounding sphere of the specified set of point.

Computes the bounding sphere of a set of point, given its center.

Computes the AABB of an support mapped shape.