[][src]Macro native_windows_gui::nwg_template

macro_rules! nwg_template {
        head: $n:ident<$t:ty>,
        controls: [ $( ($i1:expr, $c:expr) ),* ];
        events: [ $( ($i4:expr, $i5:expr, $e:expr, $b:expr) ),*  ];
        resources: [ $( ($i2:expr, $r:expr) ),* ];
        values: [ $( ($i3:expr, $v:expr) ),* ]
    ) => { ... };

Generates a function that initialize the content of a UI.

head: Define the name of the function and Ui key type. Ex: my_function<my_type>

controls: A list of controls to add to the Ui. Accepts an array of (ID, Template)

events: A list of events to bind to the controls of the UI. Accepts an array of (ControlID, EventID, Event, Callback)

resources: A list of resources to add to the Ui. Accepts an array of (ID, Template)

values: A list of user values to add to the Ui. Accepts an array of (ID, Template)

Return Value: The function calls commit before returning. If the Ui initialization fails, the function will return the error.


        head: setup_ui<&'static str>,
        controls: [ ("TEST", Control), ("TEST2", Control) ],
        events: [ 
        ("TEST", "ACTION", Event::Click, |ui, caller, event, args| { 
            println!("Hello World!"); 
        resources: [ ("Font1", Font1), ("Font1", Font1) ],
        values: [ ("True", true), ("()", ()) ]