[][src]Derive Macro native_windows_derive::NwgUi

    // Attributes available to this derive:

The NwgUi macro implements the native-windows-gui NativeUi trait on the selected struct

For a detailed documentation of this macro see the documentation "native-windows-docs/nwd_basics.html"


use native_windows_gui as nwg;

#[derive(NwgUi, Default)]
pub struct BasicApp {
    #[nwg_control(title: "Window")]
    #[nwg_events( OnWindowClose: [nwg::stop_thread_dispatch()] )]
    window: nwg::Window,

    #[nwg_resource(family: "Arial")]
    font: nwg::Font,

    #[nwg_layout(parent: window)]
    my_layout: nwg::GridLayout,

    #[nwg_control(text: "Button")]
    #[nwg_layout_item(layout: my_layout, col: 0, row: 0)]
    button: nwg::Button,

// ...

let my_ui = BasicAppUi::build_ui(Default::default()).unwrap();

The macro creates a new struct named [StructName]Ui in a submodule named [struct_name]_ui.

The trait NativeUi is implemented on this struct and the boilerplate code is generated for every field tagged by attributes. Fields without attributes, even nwg types, are left untouched.

Finally, the derive macro also creates a default event handler that will live through the ui struct lifetime.

Attributes usage

Actual UI creation works by tagging the struct fields with the some attributes


Use the nwg_control attribute to instance a control from a struct field:

nwg_control(builder_field: builder_value,*)

This syntax is basically a compressed version of the nwg control builders. The control attribute also has built-in helpers: auto parent detection and compressed flags syntax (see the docs for more info on these features).

#[nwg_control(text: "Heisenberg", size: (280, 25), position: (10, 10))]
name_edit: nwg::TextInput,

// is the same as 

    .size((280, 25))
    .position((10, 10))
    .build(&mut data.text_edit);


Use the nwg_resource to generate a resource from a struct field. It works the exact same way as nwg_controls. Resources are always instanced before the controls.


Use the nwg_events attribute to add events to the default event handler. Events can only be applied to a field that was tagged with nwg_control.

nwg_events( EVENT_TYPE: [CALLBACK(ARGS),*] )


  • EVENT_TYPE is any value of the Event enum.
  • CALLBACK is the function that will be called when the event is triggered.
  • ARGS specifies the parameters of the callback (optional).

Events arguments

By default, native windows derive assumes the callback is a method of the Ui structure. So for example, TestApp::callback1 assumes the method has the following signature callback1(&self).

That's very limiting. For example, if the same callback is used by two different controls, there's no way to differenciate them. In order to fix this, NWD lets you define the callbacks parameters using those identifiers:

  • SELF: Sends the ui struct &UiStruct. If there are no parameters, this is the default.
  • RC_SELF: Sends the rc ui struct &Rc<UiStruct>. Useful for binding dynamic events
  • CTRL: Sends the control that triggered the event. Ex: &Button
  • HANDLE: Sends the handle of the control. &ControlHandle
  • EVT: Sends the event that was triggered. &Event
  • EVT_DATA: Sends the data of the event that was triggered. &EventData

It's also possible to not use any parameters, ex: TestApp::callback1().

Different event types:

struct TestApp {
        OnButtonClick: [TestApp::callback1, TestApp::callback2],
        OnMouseMove: [TestApp::callback3(SELF, CTRL)],
        OnButtonDoubleClick: [callback, another_callback()]
    button: nwg::Button

fn callback(me: &TestApp) {}
fn another_callback() {}

impl TestApp {
    fn callback1(&self) { }
    fn callback2(&self) { }
    fn callback3(&self, ctrl: &nwg::Button) { }


Use the nwg_layout attribute to instance a layout from a struct field and nwg_layout_item to associate a control to a layout.

Under the hood, both these attribute work the same way as nwg_control. nwg_layout uses the builder attribute for a the layout struct and nwg_layout_item uses the parameters of the item type of the parent (ex: GridLayoutItem for GridLayout).

NWD cannot guess the parent of layout items.


Use the nwg_partial attribute to instance a partial from a struct field:

If parts of your UI is another struct that implements the PartialUi trait, it can be easily included in your base UI using nwg_partial. The attribute accepts an optional parameter "parent" to pass a parent control to the partial initializer. Unlike the parent in nwg_controls, it must be explicitly defined.

nwg_partial works by calling PartialUi::build_partial after initializing the controls of the base UI, calling PartialUi::process_event in the default event handler, and binds the default handler to the handles returned by PartialUi::handles

Also see NwgPartial for the macro to generate a nwg partial.

struct Ui {
    window: nwg::Window,

    #[nwg_partial(parent: window)]
    partial: MyPartial