Expand description
§⚔️ Introduction
This project aims to provide a comprehensive cross-platform toolkit to sign, publish, and verify Nanopublications.
Whether you’re a developer looking to integrate nanopub functionalities into your application or a researcher seeking an efficient way to handle nanopublications, nanopub-rs
offers a suite of tools tailored to meet your needs.
§🪄 Nanopub management
- ✍️ Sign & Publish nanopublications RDF using a RSA private key. Support for user profile defined in a
file. - 🔍 Verify: ensure the integrity of nanopubs by checking their validity, whether they are signed or unsigned.
- 📥 Fetch nanopubs from the network using their URI.
§📦️ Packaged for multiple interfaces
This library is packaged for easy use across various interfaces and languages:
- 🦀 Rust developers: available as a Rust crate
. - 🐍 Python programmers: available as a Python pip package
. - 🌐 Web developers: available as a NPM package
, compiled to WebAssembly, for browser integrations with JavaScript, or NodeJS. - ⌨️ Terminal enthusiasts: binary with a Command Line Interface (CLI) for straightforward terminal operations.
§⚔️ Cross-platform support
It runs seamlessly on:
- 🦊 Web browsers
- 🐧 Linux
- 🍎 MacOS
- 🪟 Windows
§🧩 RDF serialization support
The library handles most RDF serializations supporting quads, including TriG, Nquads, and JSON-LD.
§📝 Automated metadata creation
When you sign a nanopub some metadata is added, if it has not already been defined in the pubinfo graph:
- 🕓 Automatic timestamp: the
attribute is used to add the date and time of creation. - 🪪 Creator identification: if an ORCID is provided in the profile, it’s added using
. The library also checks for ORCID already set withprov:wasAttributedTo
§👆 Interactive playground
Experience nanopub-rs
in action! Visit the playground page to sign Nanopublications, or generate and register a new key pair, directly in your browser using the NPM version of this library.
💡 Facing a bug or have suggestions? We welcome your input and feedback! If you encounter any issues or have ideas to enhance this tool, please create an issue on our GitHub repository.
§🦀 Use from Rust
The core component of this toolkit is written in Rust.
You can use the Rust crate to easily sign, publish, or check a Nanopub.
§🧩 Publish from existing RDF
Check, sign, or publish a nanopub RDF string:
use nanopub::{Nanopub, ProfileBuilder, NpError};
use tokio::runtime;
let np_rdf = r#"@prefix : <http://purl.org/nanopub/temp/mynanopub#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix pav: <http://purl.org/pav/> .
@prefix prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#> .
@prefix np: <http://www.nanopub.org/nschema#> .
@prefix npx: <http://purl.org/nanopub/x/> .
@prefix ex: <http://example.org/> .
:Head {
: np:hasAssertion :assertion ;
np:hasProvenance :provenance ;
np:hasPublicationInfo :pubinfo ;
a np:Nanopublication .
:assertion {
ex:mosquito ex:transmits ex:malaria .
:provenance {
:assertion prov:hadPrimarySource <http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/ISU-2010-0613> .
:pubinfo {
: a npx:ExampleNanopub .
// Instantiate nanopub profile
let private_key = "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".to_string();
let profile = ProfileBuilder::new(private_key)
// Sign
let signed_np = Nanopub::new(np_rdf).unwrap().sign(&profile).unwrap();
// Check
let checked_np = Nanopub::new(&signed_np.rdf().unwrap()).unwrap().check();
// Publish is async
let rt = runtime::Runtime::new().expect("Runtime failed");
let published_np = rt.block_on(async {
Nanopub::new(np_rdf).unwrap().publish(Some(&profile), None).await.unwrap()
// Or provide a server to publish to production:
// Nanopub::new(np_rdf).unwrap().publish(Some(&profile), get_np_server(true)).await.unwrap()
println!("{}", published_np)
The publish
function takes 2 optional arguments:
- 🔑
is required if you want to also sign the nanopub, it is not required if you provide a signed nanopub - 🧫 If the
is none it will be published to the test server
Provide the nanopub signed or unsigned:
- If signed nanopub and profile not provided, we publish the signed nanopub as it is
- If signed nanopub and profile provided, we re-sign the nanopub (signature triples are updated)
- If unsigned nanopub and profile provided, we sign the nanopub
- If unsigned nanopub and profile not provided, we throw an error
§🧪 Test and productions servers
If the the last argument of publish()
is none the nanopub will be published to the test server. In this case the nanopub will not be available at https://w3id.org/np/, but at https://np.test.knowledgepixels.com/, e.g. https://np.test.knowledgepixels.com/RAKObyGXmbgTYWj2iN0XGgJv0yWNDQd_DTmAWUouGfIsM
You can publish to the production network by getting the URL of a server using get_np_server(true)
(true will pick a random nanopub server on the production network, while false will pick the main nanopub server).
§🚀 Publish from scratch
You can also build the nanopub from scratch, and publish it:
use nanopub::{Nanopub, ProfileBuilder, NpError, create_base_dataset};
use sophia::iri::Iri;
async fn np_from_scratch() -> Result<(), NpError> {
// Create blank nanopub
let mut np = Nanopub::new(create_base_dataset()?)?;
// Add triples to the assertion graph
// Add triples to the provenance graph
let private_key = "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".to_string();
let profile = ProfileBuilder::new(private_key)
let np = np.publish(Some(&profile), None).await?;
§📡 Fetch Nanopubs
The fetch
static function on the Nanopub
struct allows you to retrieve Nanopubs from the network using their URI. It’s useful for accessing and using Nanopubs created by others.
use nanopub::Nanopub;
use tokio::runtime;
let uri = "https://w3id.org/np/RAltRkGOtHoj5LcBJZ62AMVOAVc0hnxt45LMaCXgxJ4fw";
let rt = runtime::Runtime::new().expect("Runtime failed");
let np = rt.block_on(async {
§🔑 Generate private key and publish introduction
You can generate a new private/public key pair, and publish a nanopub introduction to register this key under your ORCID in the Nanopublications network:
use nanopub::{profile::gen_keys, Nanopub, ProfileBuilder};
use tokio::runtime;
// Randomly generate a new private/public key pair
let (private_key, _pubkey) = gen_keys().unwrap();
// Create a profile with this new private key
let profile = ProfileBuilder::new(private_key)
.with_name("Your Name".to_string())
// Publish a nanopub introduction for this profile
let rt = runtime::Runtime::new().expect("Runtime failed");
let np = rt.block_on(async {
.publish(Some(&profile), None).await.unwrap();
§📖 API reference
Checkout the API documentation for more details on how to use the different components and functions of the rust crate.
pub use error::NpError;
pub use nanopub::create_base_dataset;
pub use nanopub::Nanopub;
pub use profile::NpProfile;
pub use profile::ProfileBuilder;
pub use utils::get_np_server;