Trait SetStroke

pub trait SetStroke: Sized {
Show 22 methods // Required method fn stroke_options_mut(&mut self) -> &mut StrokeOptions; // Provided methods fn stroke_opts(self, opts: StrokeOptions) -> Self { ... } fn start_cap(self, cap: LineCap) -> Self { ... } fn end_cap(self, cap: LineCap) -> Self { ... } fn caps(self, cap: LineCap) -> Self { ... } fn start_cap_butt(self) -> Self { ... } fn start_cap_square(self) -> Self { ... } fn start_cap_round(self) -> Self { ... } fn end_cap_butt(self) -> Self { ... } fn end_cap_square(self) -> Self { ... } fn end_cap_round(self) -> Self { ... } fn caps_butt(self) -> Self { ... } fn caps_square(self) -> Self { ... } fn caps_round(self) -> Self { ... } fn join(self, join: LineJoin) -> Self { ... } fn join_miter(self) -> Self { ... } fn join_miter_clip(self) -> Self { ... } fn join_round(self) -> Self { ... } fn join_bevel(self) -> Self { ... } fn stroke_weight(self, stroke_weight: f32) -> Self { ... } fn miter_limit(self, limit: f32) -> Self { ... } fn stroke_tolerance(self, tolerance: f32) -> Self { ... }
Expand description

Nodes that support stroke tessellation.

This trait allows the Drawing context to automatically provide an implementation of the following builder methods for all primitives that provide some stroke tessellation options.

Required Methods§


fn stroke_options_mut(&mut self) -> &mut StrokeOptions

Provide a mutable reference to the StrokeOptions field.

Provided Methods§


fn stroke_opts(self, opts: StrokeOptions) -> Self

Specify the whole set of stroke tessellation options.


fn start_cap(self, cap: LineCap) -> Self

The start line cap as specified by the SVG spec.


fn end_cap(self, cap: LineCap) -> Self

The end line cap as specified by the SVG spec.


fn caps(self, cap: LineCap) -> Self

The start and end line cap as specified by the SVG spec.


fn start_cap_butt(self) -> Self

The stroke for each sub-path does not extend beyond its two endpoints. A zero length sub-path will therefore not have any stroke.


fn start_cap_square(self) -> Self

At the end of each sub-path, the shape representing the stroke will be extended by a rectangle with the same width as the stroke width and whose length is half of the stroke width. If a sub-path has zero length, then the resulting effect is that the stroke for that sub-path consists solely of a square with side length equal to the stroke width, centered at the sub-path’s point.


fn start_cap_round(self) -> Self

At each end of each sub-path, the shape representing the stroke will be extended by a half circle with a radius equal to the stroke width. If a sub-path has zero length, then the resulting effect is that the stroke for that sub-path consists solely of a full circle centered at the sub-path’s point.


fn end_cap_butt(self) -> Self

The stroke for each sub-path does not extend beyond its two endpoints. A zero length sub-path will therefore not have any stroke.


fn end_cap_square(self) -> Self

At the end of each sub-path, the shape representing the stroke will be extended by a rectangle with the same width as the stroke width and whose length is half of the stroke width. If a sub-path has zero length, then the resulting effect is that the stroke for that sub-path consists solely of a square with side length equal to the stroke width, centered at the sub-path’s point.


fn end_cap_round(self) -> Self

At each end of each sub-path, the shape representing the stroke will be extended by a half circle with a radius equal to the stroke width. If a sub-path has zero length, then the resulting effect is that the stroke for that sub-path consists solely of a full circle centered at the sub-path’s point.


fn caps_butt(self) -> Self

The stroke for each sub-path does not extend beyond its two endpoints. A zero length sub-path will therefore not have any stroke.


fn caps_square(self) -> Self

At the end of each sub-path, the shape representing the stroke will be extended by a rectangle with the same width as the stroke width and whose length is half of the stroke width. If a sub-path has zero length, then the resulting effect is that the stroke for that sub-path consists solely of a square with side length equal to the stroke width, centered at the sub-path’s point.


fn caps_round(self) -> Self

At each end of each sub-path, the shape representing the stroke will be extended by a half circle with a radius equal to the stroke width. If a sub-path has zero length, then the resulting effect is that the stroke for that sub-path consists solely of a full circle centered at the sub-path’s point.


fn join(self, join: LineJoin) -> Self

The way in which lines are joined at the vertices, matching the SVG spec.

Default value is MiterClip.


fn join_miter(self) -> Self

A sharp corner is to be used to join path segments.


fn join_miter_clip(self) -> Self

Same as a join_miter, but if the miter limit is exceeded, the miter is clipped at a miter length equal to the miter limit value multiplied by the stroke width.


fn join_round(self) -> Self

A round corner is to be used to join path segments.


fn join_bevel(self) -> Self

A bevelled corner is to be used to join path segments. The bevel shape is a triangle that fills the area between the two stroked segments.


fn stroke_weight(self, stroke_weight: f32) -> Self

The total stroke_weight (aka width) of the line.


fn miter_limit(self, limit: f32) -> Self

Describes the limit before miter lines will clip, as described in the SVG spec.

Must be greater than or equal to 1.0.


fn stroke_tolerance(self, tolerance: f32) -> Self

Maximum allowed distance to the path when building an approximation.

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl SetStroke for Option<StrokeOptions>
