Module nannou::ui::backend::glium::glium::uniforms [] [src]

A uniform is a global variable in your program. In order to draw something, you will need to give glium the values of all your uniforms. Objects that implement the Uniform trait are here to do that.

There are two primary ways to do this. The first one is to create your own structure and put the #[uniforms] attribute on it. See the glium_macros crate for more infos.

The second way is to use the uniform! macro provided by glium:

extern crate glium;

let uniforms = uniform! {
    texture: tex,
    matrix: matrix

In both situations, each field must implement the UniformValue trait.


In order to customize the way a texture is being sampled, you must use a Sampler.

extern crate glium;

let uniforms = uniform! {
    texture: glium::uniforms::Sampler::new(&texture)


In GLSL, you can choose to use a uniform block. When you use a block, you first need to upload the content of this block in the video memory thanks to a UniformBuffer. Then you can link the buffer to the name of the block, just like any other uniform.

extern crate glium;

let program = glium::Program::from_source(&display,
        #version 110

        attribute vec2 position;

        void main() {
            gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
        #version 330
        uniform layout(std140);

        uniform MyBlock {
            vec3 color;

        void main() {
            gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);

let buffer = glium::uniforms::UniformBuffer::new(&display, (0.5f32, 0.5f32, 0.5f32)).unwrap();

let uniforms = uniform! {
    MyBlock: &buffer


OpenGL allows the use of subroutines, which are like function pointers. Subroutines can be used to change the functionality of a shader program at runtime. This method is usually a lot faster than using multiple programs that are switched during execution.

A subroutine uniform is unique per shader stage, and not per program.

extern crate glium;

let program = glium::Program::from_source(&display,
        #version 150
        in vec2 position;
        void main() {
            gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
        #version 150
        #extension GL_ARB_shader_subroutine : require
        out vec4 fragColor;
        subroutine vec4 modify_t(vec4 color);
        subroutine uniform modify_t modify_color;

        subroutine(modify_t) vec4 delete_r(vec4 color)
          return vec4(0, color.g, color.b, color.a);

        subroutine(modify_t) vec4 delete_b(vec4 color)
          return vec4(color.r, color.g, 0, color.a);

        void main()
            vec4 white= vec4(1, 1, 1, 1);
            fragColor = modify_color(white);
    ", None);

    let uniforms = uniform! {
        modify_color: ("delete_b", glium::program::ShaderStage::Fragment)



Object that can be used when you don't have any uniforms.


A sampler.


Behavior of a sampler.


Buffer that contains a uniform block.


Stores uniforms.



Error about a block layout mismatch.


The function that the GPU will use when loading the value of a texel.


The function that the GPU will use when loading the value of a texel.


Function to use for out-of-bounds samples.


Type of a uniform in a program.


Represents a value to bind to a uniform.



Value that can be used as the value of a uniform.


Objects that are suitable for being inside a uniform block or a SSBO.


Object that contains the values of all the uniforms to bind to a program.