[][src]Module nannou::vk::buffer

Location in memory that contains data.

A Vulkan buffer is very similar to a buffer that you would use in programming languages in general, in the sense that it is a location in memory that contains data. The difference between a Vulkan buffer and a regular buffer is that the content of a Vulkan buffer is accessible from the GPU.

Various kinds of buffers

The low level implementation of a buffer is UnsafeBuffer. This type makes it possible to use all the features that Vulkan is capable of, but as its name tells it is unsafe to use.

Instead you are encouraged to use one of the high-level wrappers that vulkano provides. Which wrapper to use depends on the way you are going to use the buffer:

  • A DeviceLocalBuffer designates a buffer usually located in video memory and whose content can't be directly accessed by your application. Accessing this buffer from the GPU is generally faster compared to accessing a CPU-accessible buffer.
  • An ImmutableBuffer designates a buffer in video memory and whose content can only be written at creation. Compared to DeviceLocalBuffer, this buffer requires less CPU processing because we don't need to keep track of the reads and writes.
  • A CpuBufferPool is a ring buffer that can be used to transfer data between the CPU and the GPU at a high rate.
  • A CpuAccessibleBuffer is a simple buffer that can be used to prototype. It may be removed from vulkano in the far future.

Here is a quick way to choose which buffer to use. Do you often need to read or write the content of the buffer? If so, use a CpuBufferPool. Otherwise, do you need to be able to modify the content of the buffer after its initialization? If so, use a DeviceLocalBuffer. If no to both questions, use an ImmutableBuffer.

When deciding how your buffer is going to be used, don't forget that sometimes the best solution is to manipulate multiple buffers instead. For example if you need to update a buffer's content only from time to time, it may be a good idea to simply recreate a new ImmutableBuffer every time. Another example: if a buffer is under constant access by the GPU but you need to read its content on the CPU from time to time, it may be a good idea to use a DeviceLocalBuffer as the main buffer and a CpuBufferPool for when you need to read it. Then whenever you need to read the main buffer, ask the GPU to copy from the device-local buffer to the CPU buffer pool, and read the CPU buffer pool instead.

Buffers usage

When you create a buffer object, you have to specify its usage. In other words, you have to specify the way it is going to be used. Trying to use a buffer in a way that wasn't specified when you created it will result in a runtime error.

You can use buffers for the following purposes:

  • Can contain arbitrary data that can be transferred from/to other buffers and images.
  • Can be read and modified from a shader.
  • Can be used as a source of vertices and indices.
  • Can be used as a source of list of models for draw indirect commands.

Accessing a buffer from a shader can be done in the following ways:

  • As a uniform buffer. Uniform buffers are read-only.
  • As a storage buffer. Storage buffers can be read and written.
  • As a uniform texel buffer. Contrary to a uniform buffer, the data is interpreted by the GPU and can be for example normalized.
  • As a storage texel buffer. Additionally, some data formats can be modified with atomic operations.

Using uniform/storage texel buffers requires creating a buffer view. See the view module for how to create a buffer view.



Buffer whose content is accessible to the CPU.


Buffer whose content is read-written by the GPU only.


Buffer that is written once then read for as long as it is alive.


Low level implementation of buffers.


View of a buffer, in order to use it as a uniform texel buffer or storage texel buffer.



Inner information about a buffer.


A subpart of a buffer.


Describes how a buffer is going to be used. This is not just an optimization.



Trait for objects that represent a way for the GPU to have access to a buffer or a slice of a buffer.


Extension trait for BufferAccess. Indicates the type of the content of the buffer.