Macro nanbox::make_nanbox [] [src]

macro_rules! make_nanbox {
        pub unsafe enum $name: ident, $enum_name: ident {
            $($field: ident ($typ: ty)),*
    ) => { ... };

Creates an enum which is packed into the signaling NaN representation of f64.

Some limitations apply to make this work in a safe manner.

  • The first and only the first variant must hold a f64.
  • There must be 8 or fewer variants in the defined enum (this is only checked with debug_assert!)
  • Pointers stored in a nanbox must only use the lower 48 bits (checked via debug_assert! only).
extern crate nanbox;

// Creates one `nanbox` type called `Value` and one normal enum called `Variant`.
// `From` implementations are generated to converted between these two types as well as `From`
// implementation for each of the types in the match arms (`From<f64>` etc).
    pub unsafe enum Value, Variant {
        Pointer(*mut Value)