Module nakamoto_p2p::fsm

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Bitcoin protocol state machine.


pub use event::Event;
pub use output::Io;


State machine events.
Types and utilities related to transaction fees and fee rates.
Compact filter cache.
Protocol output capabilities.


State machine configuration.
Holds functions that are used to hook into or alter protocol behavior.
Configured limits.
A remote peer.
Reference counting virtual socket. When there are no more references held, this peer can be dropped.
An instance of the Bitcoin P2P network protocol. Parametrized over the block-tree and compact filter store.
Peer whitelist.


An event emitted by the address manager.
An event emitted by the sync manager.
A command or request that can be sent to the protocol.
A generic error resulting from processing a Command.
Disconnect reason.
An event originating in the CBF manager.
An error from attempting to get compact filters.
An event emitted by the inventory manager.
Link direction of the peer connection.
An event originating in the peer manager.
A ping-related event.


Minimum supported peer protocol version. This version includes support for the sendheaders feature.
Peer-to-peer protocol version.
User agent included in version messages.

Type Definitions

Identifies a peer.