Crate naia_hecs_shared

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ComponentKind - should be one unique value for each type of Component
A map to hold all component types
Contains configuration required to initialize a LinkConditioner
MessageKind - should be one unique value for each type of Message
A Property of an Component/Message, that contains data which must be tracked for updates
Container for cross-platform Random methods
The error message when failing to serialize/deserialize to/from the bit stream.



Tracks which Properties have changed and need to be queued for syncing with the Client
A struct that implements Replicate is a Component, or otherwise, a container of Properties that can be scoped, tracked, and synced, with a remote host
A trait for objects that can be serialized to a bitstream.

Type Definitions

Derive Macros

Derives the Channel trait for a given struct
Derives the Message trait for a given struct, for the Hecs adapter
Derives the Replicate trait for a given struct, for the Bevy adapter