- 1830: Railways and Robber Barons
- 1861: The Railways Of The Russian Empire
- 1867: The Railways Of Canada
- The details that characterise a company that can operate trains.
- The dividend options for a company.
- The per-share dividends for a specific dividend kind.
- Describes the current game state.
- The kinds of dividend payments that can be made.
- The ways in which fractional dividends can be rounded to integer values.
- The methods that are required for a specific 18xx game implementation.
- The default implementation for finding routes that earn the most revenue.
- Returns a vector containing each game defined in this crate.
- Creates a new game of 1830: Railways and Robber Barons.
- Creates a new game of 1861: The Railways Of The Russian Empire.
- Creates a new game of 1867: The Railways Of Canada.