Module mzdata::spectrum

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The data structures and components that represent a mass spectrum and how to access their data.

A mass spectrum is made up of multiple components, the spectrum’s signal data itself, plus all the metadata that describes how that data was acquired by the instrument.


  • bindata includes structures for dealing with raw binary data arrays that may or may not be byte-encoded but not strongly typed, though it does not include signal processing as that is outside the scope of this crate.


Represent the collection of attributes and data that compose a single mass spectrum.

Because a mass spectrum may be obtained from sources with varying levels of detail, several alternative structures are provided with a common set of trait-based methods to unify access:

  1. RawSpectrum for representing a spectrum that has not been decoded into distinct peaks yet, but whose data may be continuous or discrete.
  2. CentroidSpectrum for representing spectra from sources which are guaranteed to be pre-centroided, like those from MGF files or other simple text representations.
  3. Spectrum for representing a multi-layer representation of a spectrum where both raw data and a distinct peak list are available.

These structures all implement the SpectrumDescription trait

The SpectrumDescription trait is included in the crate prelude, and gives the caller read-only access to components that describe a spectrum’s metadata.

use mzpeaks::Tolerance;
use mzdata::MzMLReader;
use mzdata::prelude::*;
use mzdata::spectrum::SignalContinuity;

let reader = MzMLReader::open_path("./test/data/small.mzML").unwrap();
for spectrum in reader {
    println!("Scan {} => BP {}",, spectrum.peaks().base_peak().mz);

    if spectrum.signal_continuity() < SignalContinuity::Profile {
        let peak_picked = spectrum.into_centroid().unwrap();
        println!("Matches for 579.155: {:?}",
                     579.155, Tolerance::Da(0.02)));





  • Types of chromatograms enumerated in the PSI-MS controlled vocabulary
  • Describe the initialization stage of an isolation window
  • An variant for dispatching to different strategies of computing common statistics of different levels of peak data.
  • Represents means by which a spectrum is generated using one or more instrument analyzers
  • Describes the polarity of a mass spectrum. A spectrum is either Positive (1+), Negative (-1) or Unknown (0). The Unknown state is the default.
  • Describes the initial representation of the signal of a spectrum.
  • Errors that may arise when converting between different SpectrumBehavior-like types
  • Errors that may arise when performing signal processing or other data transformation



Type Aliases§