Crate myriam

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Remote implementation of the actor model on top of libp2p.

In myriam, an actor is any object that implements the Actor trait. Message handlers have a Context object which gives access to information such as the peer id and address of the sender.

Authentication is taken care of automatically by libp2p, myriam offers an authorization actor trait which offers a way for users to hook their own authorization login to either accept, reject and even ban incoming messages from a peer. An AuthActor is required when spawning an actor (each actor has their own handle to an AuthActor) or sending a message from toplevel.

Messaging is typically done from actor-to-actor. Messaging from “top level” is a bit of an outlier case, but offered by myriam as a convenience.

use async_trait::async_trait;
use myriam::prelude::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("failed to initialize counter")]
struct CounterError;

struct Counter {
    count: i32,

impl Counter {
    fn new(init: i32) -> Self {
        Self { count: init }

impl Actor for Counter {
    type Input = i32;
    type Output = i32;
    type Error = CounterError;

    async fn handle(
        &mut self,
        arg: Self::Input,
        _: Context<Self::Output, Self::Error>,
    ) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Error> {
        self.count += arg;


    async fn on_init(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        if self.count != 0 {
        } else {

    async fn on_stop(&mut self) {}

struct Autho;

impl AuthActor for Autho {
    async fn resolve(
        &mut self,
        request: AccessRequest,
        _: &mut AddrStore,
        _: &mut PeerStore,
    ) -> AccessResolution {
        // only accept incoming requests from this machine
        if let Some(address) = request.addr {
            if address.iter().any(|p| match p {
                Protocol::Ip4(a) => a.is_loopback(),
                Protocol::Ip6(a) => a.is_loopback(),
                _ => false,
            }) {
            } else {
        } else {

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let filter = EnvFilter::from_default_env();

    // create the keypair for this host
    let keypair = Keypair::generate_ed25519();

    // spawn an instance of our authenticator
    let auth_handle = AuthActor::spawn(Box::new(Autho), keypair).await;

    // spawn an actor using our authorization actor
    // share this handle however you want
    let actor = Box::new(Counter::new(0));
    let (actor_handle, _) = actor
        .spawn(auth_handle.clone(), SpawnOpts::default())

    // ... now, on another machine ...

    let client_keypair = Keypair::generate_ed25519();
    let client_auth_handle = AuthActor::spawn(Box::new(Autho), client_keypair).await;

    let result = actor_handle
        .send_toplevel::<i32, i32, CounterError>(MessageType::TaskRequest(11), client_auth_handle)
        .expect("failed to get a result");

    match result {
        TaskResult::Accepted => panic!("expected a value!"),
        TaskResult::Finished(s) => {
            assert_eq!(11, s);
            tracing::info!("Response is: {s}");



Main actor module
Common models (and their implementations) used throughout myriam
Libp2p networking code and authorization for actors
Prelude for commonly used components