[][src]Module myopic::lens



The lens module contains the main implementation of the lens concept as a pair of getter and setter closures. It appears to inline well and is by far the fastest in the micro-benchmarks.


The lens_box module contains an implementation of lenses using boxed trait objects.


The lens_fn module contains an implementation of lens as getter/setter pairs using function pointers (fn in Rust). This was intended as a kind of control in the benchmarking to see if Box incurred penality vs regular functions. It appears that there is no reason to use lens_fn- its no faster then boxed trait objects and requires separate functions for each getter/setter instead of allowing boxed closures like lens_box.



The Getter trait is for anything which can get an Output type from a refernence to an Input type.


The Lensable trait allows types to carry around an Input and Output associated type.


The Setter trait is for types that can modify a given value of type Input with a value of type Outpyt.

Type Definitions


The GetFun type is for getters. These getters produce a A from a reference to a D.


The SetFun type is for setters. Note that these setters mutate the value of type D in-place.