Crate mut_binary_heap

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This crate provides BinaryHeap that stores key-value pairs. The main advantage of that is that unlike with an implementation like std::collections::BinaryHeap checking if any given key exist is O(1) instead of O(n). Same for getting the value for a given key. This allows for cheap modification of values within the binary heap. Updating a value is O(log n) iff you have direct access to the value. For a binary heap that does not store key-value pairs update operations would be O(n) because they first have to find the value to update. The disadvantage is the additional storage space required to store a HashMap that provides indices into the heap for each key.

Quick start

Max/Min Heap

Max Heap

use mut_binary_heap::*;

// max heap
let mut h: BinaryHeap<i32, i32> = BinaryHeap::new();
// max heap with initial capacity
let mut h: BinaryHeap<i32, i32> = BinaryHeap::with_capacity(42);
// max heap from iterator and key selector
let mut h: BinaryHeap<i32, i32> = BinaryHeap::from((0..42), |v| *v);
assert_eq!(h.pop(), Some(41));

Min Heap

use mut_binary_heap::*;

// min heap
let mut h: BinaryHeap<i32, i32, MinComparator> = BinaryHeap::new();
// min heap with initial capacity
let mut h: BinaryHeap<i32, i32, MinComparator> = BinaryHeap::with_capacity(42);
// min heap from iterator
let mut h: BinaryHeap<i32, i32, MinComparator> = BinaryHeap::from((0..42), |v| *v);
assert_eq!(h.pop(), Some(0));

Custom Heap

For custom heap, BinaryHeap::new_by() and BinaryHeap::new_by_sort_key works in a similar way to max/min heap. The only difference is that you add a closure returning a std::cmp::Ordering or the sort key with an apropriate signature.

use mut_binary_heap::BinaryHeap;

let mut heap = BinaryHeap::new_by_sort_key(|a: &i32| a % 4);
heap.push(0, 3);
heap.push(1, 1);
heap.push(2, 5);
assert_eq!(heap.pop(), Some(3));


Dedicated methods to create different kind of heaps


This is a larger example that implements Dijkstra’s algorithm to solve the shortest path problem on a directed graph. It shows how to use BinaryHeap with custom types.

use mut_binary_heap::BinaryHeap;
use std::cmp::Ordering;

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Node {
    cost: usize,
    position: usize,

// The priority queue depends on `Ord`.
// Explicitly implement the trait so the queue becomes a min-heap
// instead of a max-heap.
impl Ord for Node {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
        // Notice that the we flip the ordering on costs.
        // In case of a tie we compare positions - this step is necessary
        // to make implementations of `PartialEq` and `Ord` consistent.
            .then_with(|| self.position.cmp(&other.position))

// `PartialOrd` needs to be implemented as well.
impl PartialOrd for Node {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

// Each node is represented as a `usize`, for a shorter implementation.
struct Edge {
    node: usize,
    cost: usize,

// Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm.

// Start at `start` and use `dist` to track the current shortest distance
// to each node.
fn shortest_path(edges: &Vec<Vec<Edge>>, start: usize, goal: usize) -> Option<usize> {
    let mut heap: BinaryHeap<usize, Node> = BinaryHeap::new();
        Node {
            cost: 0,
            position: start,

    while let Some(Node { cost, position }) = heap.pop() {
        if position == goal {
            return Some(cost);

        for edge in &edges[position] {
            let next_cost = cost + edge.cost;

            // if the edge points to a node that is already in the heap, check
            // if it's cost is greater than the cost via this edge.
            // Note that normally dijkstra would also have a closed list with all
            // nodes that we have already visited. That closed list is also used to
            // keep track of the path we have taken.
            // To simplify this example we ignore that and only calculate the cost
            // to the goal.
            if heap.contains_key(&edge.node) {
                let mut node = heap.get_mut(&edge.node).unwrap();
                assert_eq!(node.position, edge.node);
                if next_cost < node.cost {
                    node.cost = next_cost;
                // by dropping `node` the heap is autmatically updated.
            } else {
                    Node {
                        cost: next_cost,
                        position: edge.node,
    // If the heap is empty, the goal wasn't found.

fn main() {
    // This is the directed graph we're going to use.
    // The node numbers correspond to the different states,
    // and the edge weights symbolize the cost of moving
    // from one node to another.
    // Note that the edges are one-way.
    //                  7
    //          +-----------------+
    //          |                 |
    //          v   1        2    |  2
    //          0 -----> 1 -----> 3 ---> 4
    //          |        ^        ^      ^
    //          |        | 1      |      |
    //          |        |        | 3    | 1
    //          +------> 2 -------+      |
    //           10      |               |
    //                   +---------------+
    // The graph is represented as an adjacency list where each index,
    // corresponding to a node value, has a list of outgoing edges.
    // Chosen for its efficiency.
    let graph = vec![
        // Node 0
        vec![Edge { node: 2, cost: 10 }, Edge { node: 1, cost: 1 }],
        // Node 1
        vec![Edge { node: 3, cost: 2 }],
        // Node 2
            Edge { node: 1, cost: 1 },
            Edge { node: 3, cost: 3 },
            Edge { node: 4, cost: 1 },
        // Node 3
        vec![Edge { node: 0, cost: 7 }, Edge { node: 4, cost: 2 }],
        // Node 4

    assert_eq!(shortest_path(&graph, 0, 1), Some(1));
    assert_eq!(shortest_path(&graph, 0, 3), Some(3));
    assert_eq!(shortest_path(&graph, 3, 0), Some(7));
    assert_eq!(shortest_path(&graph, 0, 4), Some(5));
    assert_eq!(shortest_path(&graph, 4, 0), None);


  • A priority queue implemented with a binary heap storing key-value pairs.
  • A draining iterator over the elements of a BinaryHeap.
  • The comparator defined by closure
  • An owning iterator over the elements of a BinaryHeap.
  • The comparator ordered by key
  • For T that implements Ord, you can use this struct to quickly set up a max heap.
  • For T that implements Ord, you can use this struct to quickly set up a min heap.
  • An Iterator that yields mutable references to the values in the heap. The heap will be rebuild after the iterator is droped.
  • Structure wrapping a mutable reference to the first item on a BinaryHeap.
  • Structure wrapping a mutable reference to any item on a BinaryHeap.