Function musli_zerocopy::endian::from_be

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pub fn from_be<T: ZeroCopy>(value: T) -> T
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Convert the value T from Big to Native endian.

This ignores types which has ZeroCopy::CAN_SWAP_BYTES set to false, such as char. Such values will simply pass through.

Swapping the bytes of a type which explicitly records its own byte order like Ref<T> is a no-op.


use musli_zerocopy::{endian, ZeroCopy};

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, ZeroCopy)]
struct Struct {
    c: char,
    bits32: u32,
    bits64: u64,

let st = endian::from_be(Struct {
    c: 'a',
    bits32: 0x10203040u32.to_be(),
    bits64: 0x5060708090a0b0c0u64.to_be(),

assert_eq!(st, Struct {
    c: 'a',
    bits32: 0x10203040,
    bits64: 0x5060708090a0b0c0,