initSidebarItems({"enum":[["MultipartData","The data of a field in a `multipart/form-data` request."]],"mod":[["hyper","Server-side integration with Hyper. Enabled with the `hyper` feature (on by default)."]],"struct":[["BoundaryReader","A struct implementing `Read` and `BufRead` that will yield bytes until it sees a given sequence."],["Entries","A result of `Multipart::save_all()`."],["Multipart","The server-side implementation of `multipart/form-data` requests."],["MultipartField","A field in a multipart request. May be either text or a binary stream (file)."],["MultipartFile","A representation of a file in HTTP `multipart/form-data`."]],"trait":[["HttpRequest","A server-side HTTP request that may or may not be multipart."]]});