Function mt19937::gen_res53[][src]

pub fn gen_res53<R: RngCore>(rng: &mut R) -> f64

generates a random number on [0,1) with 53-bit resolution

This generates a float with the same algorithm that CPython uses; calling it with an MT19937 with a given seed returns the same as it would in CPython.


let mut m = mt19937::MT19937::new_with_slice_seed(&[12345]);
let expected: f64 = 0.416619872545341163316834354191087186336517333984375;
assert_eq!(mt19937::gen_res53(&mut m), expected);

and in Python:

import random
expected = 0.416619872545341163316834354191087186336517333984375
assert random.random() == expected

(note that CPython converts ints to slices by taking the native endian ordering of the underlying “BigInt” implementation, but for seeds < u32::max_value(), just &[seed] should be fine.)

Original mt19937ar.c attribution:

These real versions are due to Isaku Wada, 2002/01/09 added