[][src]Crate msgbus

Work in Progress - not usable yet!


msgbus provides the ability to publish messages on a channel (or bus) and subscribe to channels to recieve all the messages published on that channel. To support scalability, when you first register to be able to publish on that channel, you indicate what kind of bandwidth you will require. The overall message bus is managed by a Message Manager(msgmgr) and that msgmgr will be configured with various transport capabilities.

Theory of Operation

A message bus is a general communication mechanism which has a many-to-many relationship between publishers (many clients can publish on a given bus) and subscribers (many clients can subscribe to a given bus). In an implementation where we can have many buses, we can have dedicated buses for one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-one relationships as needed.

In this particular implementation, we can have many buses, called Channels, and a further enhancement has been added to support scalability. In the simplest implementation, the publishers and subscribers are threads in a shared application. Communication between them is considered to be high bandwidth as it can be implemented as shared/copied messages. In a slightly scaled up implementation, the publishers and subscribers may exist in separate applicaitons on the some processor. This medium bandwith implementation can be implemented as shared memory between those applications or other local mechanisms. A lower bandwith implementation may have those puclishers and subscribers existing on different connected processors.

The enhancement to support this is called the Transport and is presented as a trait of which we provide several different examples. The clients (pubblishers or subscribers) don't choose the transport, but rather the bandwidth they require. If during later development, the application must be split across mulitple processes, or multiple processors, the clients require almost no refactoring as they are independent from the transport.


Publishing is a non-blocking call to the msgbus designated by the rmb::Channel. This is a simple u32 which you define the means for your specific application. What you send is a structure with the trait of rmb::Msg. The msg will be put on the channel, whether there is any subscribers or not.


When you subscribe to the a particular channel, your handler will be called for all msgs received from that point forward. The handler may be a function or closure which you passed to the subscribe call. The handler will be called in the thread context that the msgbus was created in.

Simple Example

use msgbus::{msgmgr,rmb,transport::internal};
use std::fmt;
fn main() {
    struct MyMsg {
        s: String,
    impl rmb::Msg for MyMsg {

    impl fmt::Display for MyMsg {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            write!(f, "{}", self.s)
    fn handler(_chan: rmb::Channel, msg: &dyn rmb::Msg)-> Result<String, String> {
        println!("{}", msg); 

    let t = internal::TransportInternal::new();
    let mut mm = msgmgr::MsgMgr::new(vec![(0..10,&t)]);
    let mut mb = rmb::Rmb::new(&mut mm);
    let hello = MyMsg { s: "Hello".to_string() };
    let chan = 1;
    mb.subscribe(chan, handler).unwrap();
    mb.publish(chan, &hello).unwrap();

