Expand description

This crate implements DTLS-SRTP as defined in RFC 5764. The RFC is built on top of:

  • RFC 3711 (SRTP)
  • RFC 4347 (DTLS)
  • RFC 8122 (TLS in SDP)

Usage example

use openssl::{pkey::PKey, rsa::Rsa};

// a UDP stream + sink
let stream = ...;

// peer certificate fingerprint from SDP
let cert_fingerprint = "...";

// peer setup attribute from SDP
let setup = "...";

let connect = match setup {
    "active" | "actpass" => true,
    "passive" => false,
    _ => panic!("unsupported setup"),

// generate a private key (can be application-wide)
let rsa = Rsa::generate(2048)?;
let key = PKey::from_rsa(rsa)?;

let context = SrtpContext::self_signed(&key)?;

let stream = if connect {
    context.connect_muxed(stream, cert_fingerprint).await?
} else {
    context.accept_muxed(stream, cert_fingerprint).await?


Certificate fingerprint.

SRTP error.

Muxed SRTP-SRTCP stream.

SRTCP stream.

SRTP context.

SRTP context builder.

SRTP stream.

Unknown hash function.


Hash function.

Invalid fingerprint.

SRTP profile ID.