Crate msd

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A library for reading and writing MSD files.


Reading and writing of MSD files is done using serde, a library for generic serialization and deserialization. It will work with any types that implement the Serialize and Deserialize traits.


use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    let mut map: HashMap<String, usize> = HashMap::new();
    map.insert("foo".to_owned(), 1);
    map.insert("bar".to_owned(), 2);

    // Serialize the map into a byte buffer.
    let serialized = msd::to_bytes(&map).unwrap();

    // Deserialize back into a map again.
    let deserialized = msd::from_bytes(&serialized).unwrap();

    assert_eq!(map, deserialized);


MSD deserialization.

MSD serialization.


Deserializes data from MSD format.

Serializes data into MSD format.


Deserialize a value of type T from a slice of bytes.

Deserialize a value of type T from the given reader.

Serialize the given value into a byte buffer.

Serialize the given value into the given writer in MSD format.