macro_rules! create_multiple_normal_role_short {
    ($( $role_name: ident),+ $(,)? ) => { ... };
Available on crate feature macros_simple only.
Expand description

Create multiple new Role and its dual. When a name X is given, the Roles created are

  • RoleX
  • RoleXDual

If you want to specify other names, please use create_multiple_normal_role.


  • The names of the new Role


use mpstthree::create_multiple_normal_role_short;

// Create the roles *RoleA*, *RoleB*, *RoleC*,
// *RoleADual*, *RoleBDual* and *RoleCDual*
create_multiple_normal_role_short!(A, B, C);

This macro is available only if MultiCrusty is built with the "macros_simple" feature.