macro_rules! offer_http_mpst {
    ($session: expr, $recv_mpst: ident, { $( $pat: pat => $result: expr, )+ }) => { ... };
Available on crate feature macros_multiple only.
Expand description

Offer a choice between many different sessions wrapped in an enum. Used with http functions


  • The session to be used
  • The recv function that will be used
  • Each path, which are each variant of the enum which contains the new branches
  • The block of code to process each new session


offer_http_mpst!(s, recv_mpst_a_from_d, {
   CBranchesAtoC::End(s) => {
   CBranchesAtoC::Video(s) => {
       let (request, s) = recv_mpst_a_from_d(s)?;
       let s = send_mpst_a_to_b(request + 1, s);
       let (video, s) = recv_mpst_a_from_b(s)?;
       let s = send_mpst_a_to_d(video + 1, s);

This macro is available only if MultiCrusty is built with the "macros_multiple" feature.