macro_rules! create_send_check_cancel {
    ) => { ... };
Available on crate feature macros_multiple only.
Expand description

Creates a send function to send from a given binary session type of a MeshedChannels with more than 3 participants. Checks if the first binary session has a “cancel” signal and panic if yes. The send function will try to send and panic if not possible (canceled session).


  • The name of the new send function
  • The name of the receiver
  • The name of the sender
  • The name of the MeshedChannels type that will be used
  • The number of participants (all together)
  • The index of the binary session type that will receive in the MeshedChannels for this specific role. Index starts at 2 as 1 is an End.


use mpstthree::{create_meshedchannels, create_normal_role, create_send_check_cancel};

create_normal_role!(RoleB, RoleBDual);
create_normal_role!(RoleD, RoleDDual);

create_meshedchannels!(MeshedChannels, 3);

create_send_check_cancel!(send_cancel_d_to_b, RoleB, RoleD, MeshedChannels, 3, 2);

Compile fail

use mpstthree::{create_meshedchannels, create_normal_role, create_send_check_cancel};

create_normal_role!(RoleA, RoleADual);
create_normal_role!(RoleD, RoleDDual);

create_meshedchannels!(MeshedChannels, 3);

create_send_check_cancel!(send_cancel_d_to_b, RoleA, RoleD, MeshedChannels, 3, 1);

This macro is available only if MultiCrusty is built with the "macros_multiple" feature.