macro_rules! create_fn_choose_mpst_cancel_multi_to_all_bundle {
        $( $fn_name: ident , )+ =>
        $( $branch: expr , )+ =>
        $( $new_type: ty , )+ =>
        $( $label: path , )+ =>
        $( $receiver: ident , )+ =>
        $broadcaster: ident,
        $sender: ident,
        $meshedchannels_name: ident,
        $exclusion: literal
    ) => { ... };
Available on crate feature macros_multiple only.
Expand description

Create choose fuunctions, to choose among different sessions that are provided.


  • The name of the new functions
  • The name of the branches, need to be the same for every participants
  • The new type adopted by the sender
  • The name of the Enum containing the branches
  • The different passive roles
  • The name of the broadcaster
  • The name of the sender
  • The name of the MeshedChannels type that will be used
  • The index of the sender among all participants


Available on the long_simple_three_mpst_short examples.

type EndpointDoneC = MeshedChannelsThree<End, End, RoleEnd, NameC>;
type EndpointMoreC = MeshedChannelsThree<
    Send<(), Recv<(), Choose0fromCtoB>>,
    done_cancel_from_c_to_all, more_cancel_from_c_to_all, =>
    Done, More, =>
    EndpointDoneC, EndpointMoreC, =>
    Branching0fromCtoA, Branching0fromCtoB, =>
    RoleB, =>
    RoleA, RoleC, MeshedChannelsThree, 3

This macro is available only if MultiCrusty is built with the "macros_multiple" feature.