Macro mpstthree::recv_mpst[][src]

macro_rules! recv_mpst {
    ($session : expr, $sender : ident, $receiver : ident, $meshedchannels_name :
 ident, $nsessions : literal, $exclusion : literal) => { ... };
Expand description

RECV Shorter way to call the code within the recv function instead of having to create the function itself.


  • The session that will be used
  • The name of the sender
  • The name of the receiver
  • The name of the MeshedChannels type that will be used
  • The number of participants (all together)
  • The index of the binary session type that will receive in the MeshedChannels for this specific role. Index starts at 1.


use mpstthree::{create_multiple_normal_role, create_meshedchannels, recv_mpst};

create_meshedchannels!(MeshedChannelsThree, 3);

    RoleA, RoleADual |
    RoleB, RoleBDual |
    RoleD, RoleDDual |

fn main(s: Endpoint) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
   let (_payload, _s) = recv_mpst!(s, RoleB, RoleA, MeshedChannelsThree, 3, 1)()?;