mpris-nowplaying 0.1.1

A websocket based MPRIS2 "now-playing" / status client.
mpris-nowplaying-0.1.1 is not a library.


A websocket based MPRIS2 "now-playing" / status client.

Main application is embedding a now-playing dock in your streams, but it isn't limited to that.

Written in Rust.

Default bound IP is


Iunno, the Media Session doesn't seem to work for us, maybe it uses MPRIS1, we have no idea the difference.

We wanted to have a Now Playing thing in our stream (via OBS) aligned to what's playing in our media player.

Example HTML

Look in /examples.


The returned message from the bound WebSocket address is similar to that of a Media Session JSON.

However, there's some additional information: (only marking additions!)

"mediaSession": {
    "metadata": {
        "length": u64, // unit: microseconds, the media's length in time
    "position": u64 // unit: microseconds, the current playback position