
A facade around all the types we need from the std, core, and alloc crates. This avoids elaborate import wrangling having to happen in every module.
Since Borsh is not a self-descriptive format we have a way to describe types serialized with Borsh so that we can deserialize serialized blobs without having Rust types available. Additionally, this can be used to serialize content provided in a different format, e.g. JSON object {"user": "alice", "message": "Message"} can be serialized by JS code into Borsh format such that it can be deserialized into struct UserMessage {user: String, message: String} on Rust side.


A data-structure that can be de-serialized from binary format by NBOR.
The declaration and the definition of the type that can be used to (de)serialize Borsh without the Rust type that produced it.
A data-structure that can be serialized into binary format by NBOR.


Serialize an object into a vector of bytes.
Serializes an object directly into a Writer.
Deserialize this instance from a slice of bytes, but assume that at the beginning we have bytes describing the schema of the type. We deserialize this schema and verify that it is correct.
Serialize object into a vector of bytes and prefix with the schema serialized as vector of bytes in Borsh format.

Derive Macros