Crate mp4parse_capi[][src]

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C API for mp4parse module.

Parses ISO Base Media Format aka video/mp4 streams.


extern crate mp4parse_capi;
use std::io::Read;

extern fn buf_read(buf: *mut u8, size: usize, userdata: *mut std::os::raw::c_void) -> isize {
   let mut input: &mut std::fs::File = unsafe { &mut *(userdata as *mut _) };
   let mut buf = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buf, size) };
   match buf) {
       Ok(n) => n as isize,
       Err(_) => -1,
let capi_dir = std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap();
let mut file = std::fs::File::open(capi_dir + "/../mp4parse/tests/minimal.mp4").unwrap();
let io = mp4parse_capi::Mp4parseIo {
    read: Some(buf_read),
    userdata: &mut file as *mut _ as *mut std::os::raw::c_void
let mut parser = std::ptr::null_mut();
unsafe {
    let rv = mp4parse_capi::mp4parse_new(&io, &mut parser);
    assert_eq!(rv, mp4parse_capi::Mp4parseStatus::Ok);



The return value to the C API Any detail that needs to be communicated to the caller must be encoded here since the Error type’s associated data is part of the FFI.


Free an Mp4parseAvifParser* allocated by mp4parse_avif_new().

Return a pointer to the primary item parsed by previous mp4parse_avif_new() call.

Allocate an Mp4parseAvifParser* to read from the supplied Mp4parseIo.

Free an Mp4parseParser* allocated by mp4parse_new().

Fill the supplied Mp4parseFragmentInfo with metadata from fragmented file.

Fill the supplied Mp4parseByteData with index information from track.

Get ‘pssh’ system id and ‘pssh’ box content for eme playback.

Fill the supplied Mp4parseTrackAudioInfo with metadata for track.

Return the number of tracks parsed by previous mp4parse_read() call.

Fill the supplied Mp4parseTrackInfo with metadata for track.

Fill the supplied Mp4parseTrackVideoInfo with metadata for track.

Determine if an mp4 file is fragmented. A fragmented file needs mvex table and contains no data in stts, stsc, and stco boxes.

Allocate an Mp4parseParser* to read from the supplied Mp4parseIo and parse the content from the Mp4parseIo argument until EOF or error.