[][src]Crate moxie

moxie aims to empower everyone to build reliable and efficient human interfaces. This crate implements a lightweight & platform-agnostic UI runtime which powers a declarative style for creating interfaces and attempts to minimize latency and general overhead.

TODO simple snippet

Declarative style

TODO "imperative but idempotent"

"describe the UI right now"

partition the render space using function calls

while managing persistent stateful elements

with minimal incremental updates

in order to achieve minimal latency and consistent responsiveness


Memoization is the core tool which moxie provides to store data across Revisions and to minimize the incremental work performed when an update triggers the next Revision. Calls to the memo_* topological functions will perform memoization specific to the current position within the function call topology, as other topologically-nested functions do.

During [run_once] the memoization storage is an environment value. Memoization calls write to this storage to store results. At the end of run_once, this storage is garbage-collected, dropping values which were not referenced, marking them as live.

Memoized values are dropped in a deterministic manner when replaced or no longer referenced, modeling side-effectful lifecycle. Storing a type whose liveness represents the effect being "active" allows us to perform the effect when creating the stored value and to undo the effect when the stored value is Dropped.

Initializing a memoized value at a particular callsite offers a simple API for incremental computations. Further, placing mutations in the initializer for a memo variable offers a path to minimizing the mutations or other side effects performed while describing the interface.



UI Runtime

A UI runtime is responsible for maintaining consistency between a program's desired output and the rendered output over time. The desired output is expected to change over time as a result of events from the "outside world." This might be due to user input or events caused by asynchronous tasks requested by a user.

The rendered output is usually modelled or expressed in terms of a visual or semantic hierarchy, or a tree. The relationships between elements in the tree partition the space in which the elements are rendered, subdividing it among their children. These relationships may or may not be concretely encoded within data structures or they may purely be the result of some side effects which occur in a particular order (e.g. mutating a display list for a GPU).

This process of performing the tasks to render the output is usually done in a loop, iterating either once per fixed interval (e.g. 60 frames per second or every 16.67 milliseconds) or when activated by the occurrence of events.


pub use topo;



Integration points for the moxie runtime. Generally not called directly by applications.



Memoizes init at this callsite, cloning a cached Stored if it exists and Arg is the same as when the stored value was created.


Root a state variable at this callsite, returning a Key to the state variable. Re-initializes the state variable if the capture argument changes.


Memoizes the provided function, caching the intermediate Stored value in memoization storage and only re-initializing it if Arg has changed since the cached value was created. Regardless of prior cached results, with is then called in to produce a return value.


TODO figure out where this is actually documented


Runs the provided expression once per topo::Id. The provided value will always be cloned on subsequent calls unless dropped from storage and reinitialized in a later Revision.


Memoizes expr once at the callsite. Runs with on every iteration.


Convenience wrapper around memo_state.



A Key offers access to a state variable. The key allows reads of the state variable through a snapshot taken when the Key was created. Writes are supported with Key::update and Key::set.